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Guide Yourself Through Love

Learn The Beloved Method™ to navigate you relationships and your twin flame path with the akashic records.

Certified course - Community membership - Lifetime access

The spiritual journey can be overwhelming and complex.

It doesn't have to be.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You felt an intense connection with someone you met and wonder if they could be a twin flame.

  • You’re feeling lost and confused after a breakup.

  • You’re spending money on relationship readings that lead to nowhere.

  • You’re feeling confused or frustrated after receiving a reading or watching a video.

  • You’re feeling bitter around the whole twin flame concept.

  • You are wondering if your feelings are yours or your twin flames and would like to retain energetic autonomy.


The Beloved Method™

A series of online and live courses that will help you learn how to clear energies within yourself and with your relationships so you can share this gift with others.

Ditch the twin flame readings.

Learn to guide yourself.

in this course you will

Get insight into the purpose of your relationships

Expand your knowledge on twin flames, other flame relationships, soul relationships, and the purpose of these souls showing up in your life.

Gain a deep understanding of Twin Flames

Learn about soul creation, soul relationships, the types of Twin Flame paths, and patterns of connection with your Twin Flame from an Akashic Records perspective!

Tap into and strengthen your intuition

Learn one of the simplest, yet most powerful tools to navigate charts designed to learn about your Soul Relationships.

Move forward in your path of ascension

Learn how to navigate the Soul Relationship Files in the Akashic Records through your own practice, find answers, and determine the specifics of your soul relationships directly from your soul.

Who is this for?

  • Individuals seeking to understand and heal from past relationships.

  • Those at the beginning of their spiritual journey who have recently undergone significant life changes and are seeking guidance.

  • This is also helpful for established spiritual healers looking to expand their knowledge and service offerings.


  • A desire to understand the twin flame path and learn the Akashic Records.

  • An interest or familiarity with a pendulum.

  • Being ok with your inner shadows and ego, and willing to do the inner work. It can get messy!

  • Possess self-awareness.

Image of woman meditating in front of a pink lotus flower.

I'm a new person since I've started the Beloved Method!

Jessica M., Beloved Method Graduate

Portrait of Jessica M.

Beginner's Curriculum

1 / Introduction to the pendulum and attunement

2 / The akashic records and soul creation

3 / Soul family archetypes and relationships

4 / Energy cords, challenges and entanglements

5 / Healing and blueprint of love

6 / Entities and blocks plus supplemental charts

Bonus: Clearings and replays

Choose Your Path




One-time payment

For those wanting to understand the foundations for the beginner’s course.

  • This is a jam-packed self-paced master class that will bring a different perspective to your relationships and help you find a sense of deeper understanding.

  • Understand energy cords and learn how to heal soul ties.

  • Access to 2 hours of video.

  • Lifetime access




One-time payment

For new students interested in taking a self-paced class.

  • Learn how to access your Akashic Records to apply healing and clear energy cords between you and your loved ones.

  • 12 hours of pre-recorded videos and replays of previous live cohorts and meetings.

  • Downloadable PDFs and resources including bonus charts, companion book and video.

  • Exclusive Akashic record clearing to help you clear any entanglements that could prevent you from connecting with your pendulum and receiving accurate answers.

  • Monthly office hours available to ask questions.

  • Requires 4 hours per week, 1 hr with pre-recorded content, 2 hours of Q&A replays and 1 hour for homework.


Live, 6-week intensive


One-time payment

For those who have successfully completed the Beginner’s class and received a certificate of completion.

  • Learn how to use The Beloved Method™ to clear and apply healing for other people.

  • Learn to clear and repair the auric field.

  • Learn how to determine energetic issues at a metaphysical level.

  • Dive deeper into the entire dowsing chart system.

  • Monthly office hours available to ask questions.

  • This is a live class that meets virtually on Thursdays at 7PM EST for 2 hours.

Cosmic Lotus Circle

An exclusive community where we continue clearing from the collective karmic programs, helping this planet move towards a higher timeline. This is currently open to The Beloved Method™ graduates of all levels.


Receive guidance and group clearings

Power up with other heart-centered folk

Share resources and expand your gifts together

Or message me in the chat!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a cult?

I understand why someone might think this, but rest assured, this is not a cult! Some people have been misled by those lacking integrity, causing confusion and hardship. Your soul relationships are accessible via your Akashic Records. The Beloved Method™ teaches you to access this information independently, enabling a grounded understanding of Soul Relationship types, including the romanticized Twin Flame concept.

What is The Beloved Method™?

The Beloved Method™ is a divination tool that helps you connect to the Akashic Records and search for information related to your soul relationships and more!

Is a divination tool safe to learn?

Absolutely, you are safe because you are connecting and working only with your Higher Self!

Who is this for?

Those interested in learning self healing practices by using the Akashic Records, healers, those in who are actively going through their personal growth twin flame journey, those who are interested in the Akashic Records.

I am a psychic, medium, healer, etc. Will I benefit from this method?

Yes! This will help enhance your practice!

I am not a psychic or a medium. Can I still learn this method?

Absolutely, you don’t have to have previous experience to learn this method.

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes! Students will have full lifetime access to the course content and video.

How do I get certified?

Complete and submit all homework with 100% accuracy. All homework is individually checked prior to certification.

How long does it take to receive the certificate?

It can take up to 3 weeks to receive a certificate from the time the last homework is submitted.

What are the refund policies for this course?

For pre-recorded courses: You get 7 days to try out the class. If you feel the class doesn’t suit you, email with a request to cancel the class and a $100 processing cancellation fee will be deducted from your total refund.

For masterclass and live classes: All payments are final.

Hi, I'm Your Guide, Jikara

✨Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) Practitioner

✨Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher

✨Ordained Minister

I’d love to help you shift your perspective on relationships. I’ve been through relationship difficulties myself and I understand how lonely it can feel. You’re not alone—I’m here to support you on your healing journey!

Image of Jikara Starita wearing a colorful wrap or shawl.

Meet Our Graduates

Portrait of Jenny.

Jenny Montalvo, 2024

Portrait of Jessica M.

Jessica Melendez, 2024

Portrait of Joan.

Joan Vignocchi, 2024

Students Share Their Experience

"SRT sessions with Jikara are life-changing, as are her monthly Cosmic Light Activation clearings. I highly recommend sessions with her, as my loved ones and I have experienced and continue to experience positive changes in our daily lives.

However, her six-week The Beloved Method class is even more amazing! It’s beginner friendly and takes things to the next level! I would describe it as 'a space for self-empowerment'.

Jikara creates and fosters a welcoming and comfortable learning environment. The material she has compiled and teaches is magical and truly empowering. There is a manageable amount of information to learn, and the short exercises provide confidence-building practice and 'proof' of our abilities. I now have faith that I can do this!

I sincerely feel blessed and grateful for her time and her teachings. She really is 'paying it forward'. Thank you Jikara for sharing your gifts. Blessings!"

J. (Canada)

"Taking The Beloved Method class has been life-changing. Jikara teaches with so much love, knowledge and kindness. Her essence of truth and unconditional love exudes in every single one of her lessons. Learning the modality has made an impactful change in myself and in every relationship that surrounds me. It has given me a new perspective, a new understanding of how to navigate life with awareness. My heart exponentially grows every time I sit down to do the work of healing. I thank Spirit for guiding me to Jikara and The Beloved Method."

Jessica M.

Are You Ready?

Collage of Jikara with four smiling students on a virtual call each holding their pendulums.

Still unsure? Let's discuss.

Hop on a 30-minute call to ask questions and see how we could work together. Or send me a message in the chat!

Illustration of chat bubble.
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